May Day solidarity rally with CUPE 2073

The workers of CUPE local 2073 at the Canadian Hearing Society (CHS) have now been on strike for nearly 2 months. Meanwhile, the Ontario Liberal government has so far failed to intervene, despite the fact that it provides more than $20 million in annual funding for CHS. Join CHS workers and community allies to demand that the provincial government tell …

Register now! Ottawa CUPE District Council Spring School

Ottawa CUPE District Council Spring School: May 8-12, 2017 Deadline to register is Monday April 24th. All registration is on-line at CUPE Education. To download the flyer (PDF), click here: OCDC Spring School Schedule   

Solidarity Lunch with CUPE 2073 On Strike!

Hosted by Ottawa CUPE District Council Workers at the Canadian Hearing Society have been on strike across Ontario since March 6th. These workers provide vital services to the Deaf, Deafened, Orally Deaf and Hard of Hearing community. Ninety per cent of the strikers are women, and 40% of the membership come from the deaf and hard of hearing community themselves. …