Ottawa CUPE District Council Denounces Doug Ford’s Budget that Wages War on the Working Class and the Poor

The Ottawa CUPE District Council is disturbed by the continued war on the working class and the marginalized expressed in the Ontario Budget tabled by Doug Ford’s Government on April 11th. The government delivered a budget that is based on merging or restructuring existing public services as opposed to funding them. The budget also raised the spectre of racism by …

🍎 2019 Educational Calendar

Educationals scheduled by the council are available here: If you have any questions, email

Denouncing Doug Ford’s attack on post-secondary students and post-secondary workers

The Ottawa CUPE District Council (OCDC) condemns Doug Ford’s attack on post-secondary students and workers on post-secondary education campuses. Following the Ford Government announcement on January 17th and subsequent clarifications, postsecondary students and workers in Ontario now face a precarious future. Ontario has been witnessing regressive policy announcements since the inauguration of the Ford government, and January 17th’s policy announcement, …