It’s wonderful to see new people step up to help run this council. A warm welcome goes out to our new President, Benjamin from Local 1281! It’s also great to see Moraine and Trish from Local 2605, and Patricia from Local 2626 as our new executive members-at-large. See our full executive here.
Workshops for 2018 // Ateliers pour 2018
To register, visit: The fee for affiliates is $40.00 and $50.00 for non-affiliates, all cheques should be mailed to the Council office before attending the workshop. To obtain more information regarding payment or in general, contact Kim, Secretary-Treasurer at Pour s’inscrire, visitez: Les frais d’inscription aux ateliers sont de 40 $ pour les membres des sections locales …
Fall 2017 newsletter now available / Bulletin de nouvelles pour l’automne 2017 maintenant disponible
Our Fall 2017 newsletter is now available. Please read and share widely! Notre bulletin de nouvelles pour l’automne 2017 est maintenant disponible. Lisez-le et partagez dans vos réseaux!