Hi everyone,
The draft agenda and Zoom link for our May 12th General Membership Meeting (at 6pm) are live now!
Here is the agenda:
Ottawa CUPE District Council General Meeting May 12th 2022 6pm
- Check In and Introductions
- President’s Update
- Update from the Executive
- Business
- Election of Executive Positions that are up for Election:
Vice President
- Election of Members at Large (7 positions)
- Election of Trustees (2 positions)
- CUPE Ontario Provincial Election Planning
- OPIRG Carleton Family Reunification Fund Fundraiser
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Ottawa CUPE District Council donate $200 to the OPIRG Carleton Family Reunification Fund
Link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-covid19-family-reunification
- International People’s Tribunal on US Imperialism
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Ottawa CUPE District Council endorse the International People’s Tribunal on US Imperialism;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Ottawa CUPE District Council donate $200 to the Tribunal.
Link: https://sanctionstribunal.org/
- New Business or Business from the Floor
- Adjournment
And here is the Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 891 592 3687
Passcode: fYc#Z%l!
Remember, every local affiliated with us can send four voting delegates. If you are an Ottawa local who is not affiliated, you are still welcome–we would love to talk to you!