May 12th General Meeting Zoom Link and Agenda

Hi everyone,

The draft agenda and Zoom link for our May 12th General Membership Meeting (at 6pm) are live now!

Here is the agenda:

Ottawa CUPE District Council General Meeting May 12th 2022 6pm




  • Check In and Introductions
  • President’s Update
  • Update from the Executive
  • Business
  • Election of Executive Positions that are up for Election:

Vice President


  • Election of Members at Large (7 positions)
  • Election of Trustees (2 positions)
  • CUPE Ontario Provincial Election Planning
  • OPIRG Carleton Family Reunification Fund Fundraiser

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Ottawa CUPE District Council donate $200 to the OPIRG Carleton Family Reunification Fund


  • International People’s Tribunal on US Imperialism

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Ottawa CUPE District Council endorse the International People’s Tribunal on US Imperialism;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Ottawa CUPE District Council donate $200 to the Tribunal.


  • New Business or Business from the Floor
  • Adjournment

And here is the Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 891 592 3687

Passcode: fYc#Z%l!

Remember, every local affiliated with us can send four voting delegates. If you are an Ottawa local who is not affiliated, you are still welcome–we would love to talk to you!

Meeting details as above