General Meeting, May 12th 6pm

We will be having our General Meeting this May 12th at 6pm. The meeting will occur remotely over Zoom. We have important tasks to cover in this meeting. We will be holding elections for the Council’s Vice President, Treasurer, and several trustees. And speaking of elections, we will be talking about the Ontario elections and CUPE’s strategy for them, as …

Proposed Bylaw Admendments

At our last general meeting, notice was given about proposed amendments to the council’s bylaws. First, the proposed changes allow for elections and meetings to be conducted online, when in-person meetings are not possible. This is helpful not only for the pandemic, but also for other unexpected circumstances. Additionally, the bylaw changes enable the council to have a credit card, …

General Meeting Rescheduled for February 25th at 7pm

Hello delegates! Due to unforeseen circumstances, we had to postpone the meeting last month, but it has rescheduled for Thursday, February 25th. We will use MS Teams. Membership Meeting Agenda  The order of business at Membership Meetings is as follows: Roll call of officers Reading of the Equality Statement Adoption of the agenda Reading of the minutes Matters arising from …